Lista de preposiciones en inglés PDF

Aprende las preposiciones en inglés con esta lista PDF. Las preposiciones son palabras que se usan para conectar palabras y frases. Se usan para indicar el lugar, el tiempo, el orden y muchas otras cosas. Aprende las preposiciones más comunes en inglés con esta lista PDF imprimible.
Cuáles son las 20 preposiciones en inglés
As any grammar enthusiast knows, prepositions are important words in any language. They indicate relationships between other words in a sentence, and often show how one thing is positioned in relation to another. English has dozens of prepositions, but some are used much more frequently than others. Here are 20 of the most common prepositions in English, along with example sentences to illustrate how they're used.
About - The cat is about to have kittens.
Above - Hang the curtains above the window.
Across - The river runs across the city.
After - After dinner, we'll go for a walk.
Against - The cat slept against the warm radiator.
Along - We walked along the river for a while.
Among - Among the crowded streets, I felt lost.
Around - The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, around the world.
At - I'll meet you at the park at 3 o'clock.
Before - I have to finish this before dinner.
Behind - The dog likes to sleep behind the couch.
Below - The water level in the river is below the bridge.
Beneath - The ring fell down the drain and vanished beneath the murky water.
Beside - She sat down beside me on the bench.
Between - There's a space between the two books on the shelf.
By - The house is by the river.
Down - Please put the cat down before it scratches you.
During - I usually take a nap during the afternoon.
Except - Everyone went to the party except for me.
For - I'm looking for my keys.
From - I got this book from the library.
In - The cat is in the box.
Inside - Stay inside where it's warm.
Into - He fell into the pool.
Near - The cat likes to sleep near the fireplace.
Of - This is a picture of my family.
Off - Please take your shoes off before you come in.
On - The cat is on the mat.
Onto - He jumped onto the table.
Outside - It's too cold to play outside today.
Over - The cat likes to sleep on top of the wardrobe.
Past - We walked past the school and turned the corner.
Through - We walked through the park on the way home.
To - We're going to the park.
Toward - She walked toward me with a smile on her face.
Under - The cat likes to sleep under the bed.
Until - I'll wait here until you come back.
Up - Please pick the cat up before it jumps on the table.
With - I made dinner with tomatoes from the garden.
Within - He'll be back within an hour.
Without - You can't make a cake without eggs.
Qué son las 23 preposiciones
En gramática, las preposiciones son un tipo de palabra que se usa para enlazar nombres y sustantivos en frases y oraciones. Las preposiciones son una parte esencial de la estructura y el significado de muchas oraciones en inglés.
Hay un total de 23 preposiciones en inglés: a, aboard, about, above, across, after, against, along, amid, among, around, as, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, but, by, concerning, considering, despite, down, during, except, excepting, excluding, following, for, from, in, including, inside, into, like, minus, near, of, off, on, onto, opposite, outside, over, past, per, plus, regarding, round, save, since, than, through, to, toward, towards, under, underneath, unlike, until, up, upon, versus, via, with, within, without.
Algunas de las preposiciones más comunes en inglés son: a, an, the, in, on, at, of, and to.
Qué son las preposiciones en inglés lista
Una preposición es una palabra que se usa para enlazar nombres, pronombres y frases en una oración. Las preposiciones en inglés generalmente se escriben delante de un sustantivo o un pronombre para mostrar una relación entre el sustantivo o el pronombre y otra palabra en la oración.
Cuántas preposiciones hay en inglés
Aprendiendo el uso de las preposiciones en inglés es más fácil de lo que parece. Hay solo unas pocas preposiciones que se usan con frecuencia, y con un poco de práctica, podrás usarlas con confianza en tus conversaciones en inglés.
En general, las preposiciones se usan para vincular palabras en una oración y establecer relaciones entre ellas. Por ejemplo, la preposición "en" se usa para hablar de lugares, mientras que la preposición "de" se usa para hablar de pertenencias o características.
Aquí hay una lista de algunas de las preposiciones más comunes en inglés, junto con ejemplos de cómo se pueden usar:
A - Usado para hablar de dirección, lugar o tiempo.
Ejemplos: I'm going to the store. The store is across from the park. What time is it?
Con - Usado para hablar de compañía o conexión.
Ejemplos: I'm going to the store with my friend. The computer is connected to the internet.
De - Usado para hablar de pertenencia o característica.
Ejemplos: That is my book. The color of the sky is blue.
Desde - Usado para hablar de origen o tiempo.
Ejemplos: I'm from Spain. We've been friends since high school.
Durante - Usado para hablar de un periodo de tiempo.
Ejemplos: I'm going to the store during lunch. She slept for eight hours during the night.
En - Usado para hablar de lugares.
Ejemplos: I'm going to the store on Main Street. There's a cat in the tree.
Entre - Usado para hablar de dos objetos.
Ejemplos: The book is between the table and the chair. We're going to meet at the coffee shop between my house and your office.
Hacia - Usado para hablar de dirección.
Ejemplos: I'm going to the store. He's walking towards the park.
Hasta - Usado para hablar de tiempo, lugar o grado.
Ejemplos: I'm going to the store until 5 pm. You can sit here until I'm finished. I didn't realize how late it was until I looked at the clock.
Para - Usado para hablar de destino o propósito.
Ejemplos: I'm going to the store to buy some milk. Are you going to the party tonight?
Por - Usado para hablar de causa o lugar.
Ejemplos: I'm going to the store because I need some milk. The store is next to the bank.
Según - Usado para hablar de una opinión o punto de vista.
Ejemplos: According to the weather forecast, it's going to rain tomorrow. I don't think that's a good idea, according to my experience.
Sin - Usado para hablar de ausencia.
Ejemplos: I'm going to the store without my wallet. She's going to the party, but I'm staying home.
Sobre - Usado para hablar de lugar o tiempo.
Ejemplos: I'm going to the store on Main Street. The book is on the table.
Tras - Usado para hablar de tiempo o lugar.
Ejemplos: I'm going to the store after work. The store is behind the park.
This PDF provides a list of common English prepositions, along with example sentences demonstrating each one in use. This can be a helpful resource for English learners of all levels, as prepositions can be notoriously difficult to master. With practice and guidance, however, they can be mastered and become an integral part of your English language skills.
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